Take Back Your Life!

Yes, You Are Awesome!

January 14, 2010 by Giulietta Nardone

Hey Awesome Folks,

About ten years ago, I tapped into my ability to see what’s awesome about a person. Something the person often can’t see in his or her self. It’s this inability to see our own awesomeness that holds us back from living an amazing life.

If we let it, life can beat us up and beat us down. When that happens you’re more likely to accept what you believe is fate – a life of mind and soul-numbing mediocrity. I’m sure you see it all the time. People at work, people on the subway, people at parties all exhibiting an overall lack of enthusiasm for life.

I’m here to tell you that you can get back your childhood enthusiasm and zest for life.

Yes, you are awesome!

Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. Institutions and people treat you like you’re mediocre to keep you from breaking out of your cage because they erroneously believe that people are better off in cages.

Much of the emotional pain and suffering in the world happens because people do not understand that they have the power to leave their cages any time they want. No one can keep us in there. Way too many people only figure this out on their deathbed. I’m guessing you don’t want to wait until it’s too late or you wouldn’t be reading this.

We all have something magnificent about us, something that will make the world a better place and make our own lives worth living with gusto. Our life challenge is to figure out what it is and release it to the world.

Here’s a baby step you can take towards finding your life challenge. Make a list right now of 5 things you do well and that you love to do. How often do you do them?

I’d love to hear one awesome thing about you. Please tell the world by writing it below!

Muse thx,

4 responses to “Yes, You Are Awesome!”

  1. Wonderful post, Giulietta! YOU are awesome!!!

  2. Dovelily says:

    Well, I rock at emotional support, although I do practice tough love when necessary.

  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Silky Hart Michero, Giulietta Nardone. Giulietta Nardone said: Yes, You Are Awesome! http://bit.ly/4Sh9Sc […]

  4. giulietta says:

    Thanks for stopping by Silky and Dovelily! Much appreciated.
