Take Back Your Life!

Wretched mortal, do you open your eyes?

June 29, 2010 by Giulietta Nardone

Contrarians Hey,

I’ve been enamored with Leonardo da Vinci since I found him in the encylopedia set my parents bought from the saleswoman who came knocking on our front door back in the 70’s. So much so that I named one of my cats after him. Furry Leonardo has long since gone to puddy heaven, but my love for da Vinci remains. Take this quote of his, “Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!

Do you go through life with your eyes open?

I didn’t for the longest time. In fact, I had blinders on. I didn’t question where I was going or anyone else for that matter.  I just kept going, going, going in this straight line along with all the others. I tried to ask questions earlier in life but got “in trouble.” Spent many a K-8 school day standing in the corner or outside the class for questioning the teacher or balking at going along with the program. Finally, I just acquiesced and climbed on the path with all the others.

I didn’t like it on that path. It didn’t feel right. Secretly, I started dipping my toe off the side. Then my foot, then my leg, then my arms and legs, then my entire body. And one day I jumped off the side and kept rolling and rolling and rolling, ending up in a beautiful, fairly empty meadow! Man, no wonder the “theys” wanted to keep me away from this beautiful Eden where I could ask all the questions I wanted and find the answers myself.

That’s what Leonardo did. He wandered all over the cities and towns in search of answers to his questions. He is considered the greatest genius of all time. Are we all geniuses too? Yes, I believe so. Our genius has just been suppressed along with our need to wander life’s corridors looking for answers.

Please, don’t be shy. Tell me what your genius is. I want to hear and so do my “wandering” readers.

Muse thx! Giulietta

p.s. Mine? I encourage folks to live a great life now …

19 responses to “Wretched mortal, do you open your eyes?”

  1. PurpleB says:

    Probably many things, but the one thing genuius i have is love. amazing isn’t it?

  2. Michael says:

    I’ve wanted for a while for it to be telling stories, and I still think it is, but I’m also discovering a deep, abiding and consuming sense of outrage over social injustice. I’d like to become genius in channelling that.

  3. Hi Michael,

    I too get that genius from your writing. Themes emerge in our writings. Look there for your genius. Thx! G.

  4. Giulietta –

    I really like your Leonardo links and that you name your cat after him – a true genius.

    My genius is that I always look for the best in everyone and try to give them the respect they deserve. It’s about love and compassion.


  5. Hi Phil,

    Respect to all. Compassion to all. I’ve noticed that theme in your blog posts and comments. Glad you’re spreading it around!

    Thx. G.

  6. Jenna Avery says:

    Leonardo da Vinci is my hero!

    Great post.

    I’m still discovering my genius, but I think it might be making connections between things that otherwise seem disconnected.



  7. What a co-incidence Jenna!

    You’re probably right about your genius. Wonder if Leonardo was working his way towards connecting everything, too? Need to do more research.

    Thanks for stopping by. G.

  8. Penelope J. says:

    I agree that all of us may have some untapped genius within us, and some may have actually shown it. However, I’ve often wondered about how much true talent and genius often goes unrecognized while people worship at the altar of overinflated egos. Once, when I was 14, someone told my mother I was a genius. That went to my head and led to disastrous decisions. What a shock to discover I was not a genius, nor could aspire to be one. However, to quote myself at that time, “There is something great in me that must out,” and I am recognizing, the same as many people of my age, that we may still have something great to contribute to the world.

  9. Joy says:

    Love this…
    I have never been on the path…always been on my own path either by myself at times or with those who choose to walk with me a bit..
    My genius is that I am fully Aware..of each moment as it is, of your Being as you are…and I reflect to you exactly what it is your heart whispers Ask for…Truly butterflies and glitter all around:)

  10. Hi Penelope,

    Maybe six years ago, I started to get genius vibes about folks. The longer I hung out with them the stronger it got. If we can tap into this genius, this greatness, this brilliance, it gives our journey on earth more meaning. The beauty of a unique genius is that it’s age-defying. You have it your entire life.

    Hi Joy,

    How lucky you managed to avoid the beaten path! Adore your genius. It must be amazing to be in your company …

    Thanks to both of you for stopping by again.

  11. Hi Giulietta,

    How fun it would be to wander through cities and towns like Leonardo did. Of course, it would be especially fun if cities and towns were still the same as they were in Leonardo’s day.

    Hmmm, let’s see, you ask such a big question today. I suppose I’m one of those people who’s better at supporting genius in others than identifying it in myself. I always tense up a little when I have to spill the beans about myself. And it feels hard to articulate, but I think it’s something about using my imagination and empathy to step into other people’s shoes, or experiences, or longings. Or stories. Or even different worlds. And then to understand and reflect that back to them, to reflect back deeper truths, that perhaps they haven’t yet been able to see themselves.

    See what I mean? It’s complicated! But thanks for asking. And
    thanks for another great post.

    • Hi Patty,

      From your comment, I see your genius may indeed be making another person feel comfortable enough to bring out his or her own genius. That’s how I feel when I visit your blog — it’s a safe, comfortable place to speak — accordingly, all sorts of fabulous things flow off my keyboard into your comments section.

  12. Hi Giulietta,

    Great post–cool site! I’ve had some blinders on here and there, especially when I was much younger. But it seems like when the ropes start getting too tight, I break free. These days, my eyes are wide open and I have a feeling of watching things and people rather than thinking I’m being watched–sort of like a shift from caring what other people think of me to simply observing.

    Anyway, I guess one of my geniuses is empathy, being able to feel what other people are feeling and understanding. Probably the bigger one is empathy for and communicating with or understanding animals, though. As a kid, I fantasized about being a witch or a fairy and going out in the woods under the moonlight and all the animals would come talk to me lol (I’ve had dogs and cats for about 20 years now, 6 total…long stories there 🙂

    Gonna poke around your site now!


    • Hi Leah,

      Glad to hear it’s empathy. We need tons more. If we could put ourselves in someone else’s shoes or hoofs or paws before doing or saying something, it might avoid an unattractive exchange or outcome. Love your childhood fantasy – how beautiful. It reminds me of Dr. Dolittle. If only we humans would listen to the animals, they could teach us a thing or two about respecting nature. Glad to have found your blog. Thx. G.

  13. Giulietta: I really liked this post and I think you are so right, that we are all capable of tapping into that side of us that is genius. I think it is all about figuring out your strengths and how to continually connect with that side of yourself where you can perform in the most amazing ways. I think I am still working on identifying what I would consider that to be for myself, but thank you for pointing me into the direction of really looking. Great post and insights.

  14. J.D. Meier says:

    > rolling and rolling and rolling, ending up in a beautiful, fairly empty meadow
    Nice. Freedom and play at its finest.