Take Back Your Life!

Taking a much needed social media breather

November 29, 2013 by Giulietta Nardone

Hello Readers,

I’ve been doing social rather than social media. Social – to me – is just hanging out with the folks that live in your immediate area. In my case, my town. Social Media means hanging out with folks who do not live in my immediate area. Both are good. Time wise it can be tricky. I felt exhausted trying to send out two newsletters and a local email. Kind of like Simon Says touch your nose, your heels, your back, and the top of your head all it once. It’s impossible.

Making myself crazy didn’t seem like a good move, mentally, physically or emotionally. So, I stepped back here and forward in other areas.

Things I’ve been doing:

Working on my book. It’s  more than halfway done.

Writing tons of essays and got ideas for many more. As well as some op-ed pieces.

Ran a woman’s summer writing adventure. Terrific writing.

Ran a teen writing program. Terrific writing.

Collaborating with lots of great clients on their fearless brands.

Meeting hundreds of new people through my community work.

I’ve been trying to promote an open and transparent as possible government in my town — it isn’t easy. A lot of folks have been trained to sit back and let a “representational” government run the show while they watch TV and shop. It doesn’t work. A democracy requires deep participation and dissent or you end up with a dictatorship or an oligarchy. And lots of project, edicts, policies that you do not want and that are not good for 90% of us.

I’m thinking of starting a local cable show called, “What’s, going on?” An attempt to get folks more connected with each other – locally – as well as promote the need for more civic engagement.

I’ve met  many fabulous folks in my town. It all feels good!

How about some of you, what have you been doing social or social media wise? Creativity wise?






2 responses to “Taking a much needed social media breather”

  1. Giulietta,

    I think I’d love to live in your town! Sounds like the kind of active, vibrant community that me and the hubby are looking for.

    Ive been out of the blogging loop for some time and for many reasons, but I’m feelin’ jazzed about 2014 – a fresh new “page” to start up again. And, creativity-wise, I’m doing some re-branding for my coaching biz and it turns out that I have a little of that rebel energy going on, too!

    Thanks for the update! I’m always happy to read what you have to say,

    Lisa 🙂

    • giulietta says:

      Hi Lisa!

      Good to see you on the blog! I had terrific commenters over the years. It will be fun to get back on contact with old and new blogging friends.

      We have a good time in my town. I swear I know like 3000 people!

      Wonderful to hear you are rebranding in a rebellious way and gearing up to start blogging again.

      Let me know and I will swing by your site!


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